2022 (Full Year) International: Worldwide Car Sales

In 2022, international car sales were flat with China the largest single-country market worldwide and India the fastest-growing major global vehicle market. Worldwide car sales in full-year 2022 were flat but the only major international markets recording growth were India and China. China remained by far the largest single-country car market in the world by … Read more

2021 (Full Year) International: Worldwide Car Sales

In 2021, car sales worldwide increased by 4% with China the largest single-country new car market and India the fastest-growing major global vehicle market. In full-year 2021, global car sales were slightly stronger in most major regions of the world. China remained the largest and best-performing major single-country car market in the world with sales … Read more

2020 Global: German Luxury Car Sales Worldwide, USA and China

In 2020, German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche, and VW had weaker sales worldwide but gained market share especially in China. In full-year 2020, German luxury carmakers and premium brands had weaker sales but mostly gained market share in major markets worldwide. Although global sales were lower, German car brands mostly increased sales … Read more

2020 (Q3) China: Total Number of Cars and Drivers

2020 (Q3): China had 365 million motorized vehicles on the road, including around 280 million cars, and in total 450 million licensed drivers. The total number of motorized vehicles, cars, and licensed drivers in China continued to increase sharply in 2020. Thus far in 2020, an additional 23 million new vehicles were registered for use … Read more

2019 International: German Luxury Car Sales Worldwide and in China

In 2019, German luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche had record sales worldwide and in China. Audi and Volkswagen had strong sales too. In full-year 2019, German luxury carmakers and premium brands had strong sales and gained market share in several major markets. Mercedes-Benz and BMW both had their ninth consecutive record year in … Read more

2018 International: German Luxury Car Sales Worldwide and in China

In 2018, German car brands Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche had record sales worldwide and in China. Audi sales were lower. German luxury and premium car brands mostly outperformed the broader market. In 2018, German luxury carmakers BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche achieved the eighth consecutive year of higher worldwide car sales. Volkswagens also sold in … Read more

2017 (Full Year) China and Worldwide German Luxury Car Sales

Mercedes CLS 350 d

In 2017, German premium and luxury car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, Audi and Volkswagen had record sales worldwide and in China. 2017 was another record year for Germany luxury carmakers with Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, Audi and Volkswagen selling in record numbers worldwide. German premium brands had record car deliveries in China where the gap between … Read more