2013 (January to May) International Worldwide Car Sales

May 2013 light vehicles sales in the USA, China and Brazil  showed strong growth while new passenger car registrations in Europa, India, Russia and Japan were down.

BMW i8 at Geneva Auto Salon 2013

2013 car sales in major international regions continue to be mixed with strong performances in the USA, China and Brazil but weak sales in Europe, India, and Japan. After a surprisingly positive April 2013, car sales in Europe and Japan again slumped in May 2013. Car sales in China, the world’s largest car market, continued to grow by over a fifth year to date while second place USA saw sales increase by 7%. Sales in Brazil remain strong while the Russian and Indian new light vehicle markets continue to weaken.

International Car Sales in 2013 (January to May)

New light vehicle registrations during the first five months of 2013 were as follows according to the VDA:

Region Jan-May 2013% Change May 2013% Change April 2013 Q1/2013
Europe (EU+EFTA) 5,261,300-6.8 1,083,400-5.9 1,081,300 3,096,300
Russia 1,092,000-4.5 229,700-12.2 245,300 616,800
USA 6,391,9007.1 1,436,7008 1,280,300 3,675,100
Japan 1,932,600-7.7 308,400-8.7 308,600 1,315,600
Brazil 1,406,4008.9 300,9009.7 317,000 788,500
India 1,135,700-10.6 201,400-8.9 208,400 725,900
China 6,466,50021.7 1,253,00014.4 1,294,000 3,919,500
Source: VDA 23,686,400 4,813,500 4,734,900 14,137,700

World Wide Light Vehicles Sales in 2013 (January to May)

Sales of light vehicles in May 2013 in the six markets monitored by the VDA were the second highest monthly figure thus far this year. Sales were only higher in March, traditionally a good month for vehicle sales.

After a surprisingly strong April, the European car market again slumped in May 2013. May 2013 saw just over a million new passenger vehicle registrations in Europe for the lowest May figure in 20 years. The German, French and Italian car markets were all down around 10% while the UK (+11%) were the only large market to show positive growth. A sterling 18% growth in Estonia contributed just shy of two thousand vehicles to the total European car market.

In Japan, a similar surprise positive April saw a return to form in May with new passenger vehicle registrations down again by almost 9%.

The Indian car market continues to underperform with sales down around 10% most months in 2013.

Sales in Russia continue to weaken – after a positive start to 2013, Russian light vehicle sales have been negative since March.

Positive growth continues in China, USA, and Brazil. Although sales grew by only 14.4% in China in May 2013, sales year to date is up by over fifth. Sales of light vehicles continue to improve in the USA as well with truck sales improving by 11% and car sales by around 5%.

New light vehicle registrations in Brazil also continue to grow. After sales improved by almost a third in April due to a change in tax regime, sales continue to grow by almost 10% in May 2013. (I130620)

About the author:

Henk Bekker

Henk Bekker is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience in online writing. His best-selling cars website has been reporting car sales statistics since 2008 with classic car auction prices focusing on the most expensive automobiles sold at public auctions in the past decade. He also owns the travel websites European-Traveler.com and Lake Geneva Switzerland. Henk holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School and an MSc in Finance from the University of London.